Paquete turístico Cusco 5 días
Sumérgete en la majestuosidad de Cusco con nuestro exclusivo tour «Cusco Imperial». En este viaje de 5 días y 4 n...
Un buen destino turístico de Cusco Perú
Montaña arcoíris es la otra “montaña de colores” múltiples colores, con una formación de roca sedimentaria de aproximadamente 24 millones de años, y se creó a través de la fricción de dos placas tectónicas de Nazca y Sudamérica.
A diferencia de la clásica y más popular Montaña Arcoíris, que es visitada por cientos de aventureros curiosos cada día, Palcoyo ofrece vistas insuperables de múltiples picos arcoíris y curvas onduladas que te dejarán sin aliento.
Después de un viaje espectacular a través de las exuberantes tierras altas y las comunidades rurales de esta región, su autobús privado lo transportará a lo profundo de las montañas. Una caminata fácil de 30 minutos lo llevará al primero de los tres miradores, cada uno de los cuales se abre a una espectacular vista de colores, a veces brillando con nieve. ¡Ninguna cámara puede hacer justicia a estas majestuosas montañas!
Evita las multitudes y conéctate con la naturaleza de una manera única, privada y muy especial, en “Montaña Arcoiris Palcoyo”.
We will collect you from your hotel at 4:00 a.m. in our private transport. The drive to Palcoyo is 3 hours 45 minutes south-east to Cusco, to the Chulloca community (4,400 meters – 14,435 feet above sea level).
We will enjoy a camping-style breakfast, surrounded by alpacas, while admiring the colorful lifestyle and survival techniques of the local Andean people, who truly understand who appreciate and live in harmony with Pacha Mama (Mother Earth). They have adapted to the cold temperatures, with a livelihood based on livestock (llamas, alpacas and sheep) and the growing of tubers such as potatoes, as their main food source.
After our breakfast we continue driving for 15 minutes to the start (4,805 mt /16,030 ft). As you get closer to beginning of the hike of the Palccoyo Rainbow Mountain you will begin to see the first signs of the colored minerals that formed the painted hills of Palcoyo. From there, an easy 30-minute walk will take us to the various viewpoints to appreciate the imposing majesty of the AUSANGATE (which towers in the distance, at 6,300 meters – 20,900 feet) and the beautiful red colored hills.
From the third viewpoint located at 4, 886 meters – 16,030 feet, we will have a spectacular 360-degree view of multiple colored mountains, glaciers, valleys and picturesque mountains. As you enjoy the spectacular display of natural colour and awe-inspiring beauty, our guide will provide you with a history to the formation of these eccentric colors.
Not being enough, we headed towards the STONE FOREST; an amazing formation of sedimentary rocks with capricious vertical shapes, looking like the back bony plates of dinosaurs!
At your leisure, we will begin our descent from the Palcoyo. Once back at our private transport, we will drive down to Chulloca community for lunch, before returning to the city of Cusco, where we will take to your hotel.
Both are very breathtaking and offer awesome views around!
To enjoy and get to the viewpoint requires a good physical condition and air conditioning, taking a minimum walk time of one hour with a gain of 400 m (1,300 feet) in height, and so enjoy its classic and extravagant colors, already known in social networks.
The trip by car takes only 3 hours
To reach the main viewpoint, it takes 25 minutes of easy ascent and with a gain of 100 meters (328 feet) above sea level.
The trip in our private transport is 3 hours and 45 minutes.
The weather in this region is highly unpredictable that can be changed frequently at any time of the year, having all the seasons of the year in a single day with very cold, wind, snow, rain and sun. Hikers should be prepared with proper gear and be ready for variable weather conditions throughout the day. However, according to their unpredictable climatic variations they are distinguished by two seasons:
Dry season April-October (high season); In this season you will have better possibilities of constant pleasant weather, but also the crowd increases. If you want to avoid the crowd it is advisable to visit it in the wet season November-March (low season).
The weather forecasts of the mountains are not perfect, being difficult to know when one will have a bad climate. It is also true that climatic conditions can turn off their mountain colors; however, its sudden changes can be favorable, changing the setting with an unforgettable trip, showing the typical colors of the mountains enveloped in clouds that form a mystical, magical enchanting environment.
Maximum: 12 ° C (53.6 ° F)
Medium: 8 ° C /10 ° C (46.4 6 ° F – 76 ° F)
Minimum: -7 ° C (19.4 ° F)
Lunes a viernes 9:00 - 13:00 H & 15:00 - 19:00 H
Sábado 9:00 a 13:00 H & De 17:00 a 19:00 H
Horario del equipo de ventas
Lunes a Viernes 9:00 - 13:00 H & 15:00 - 19:30 H Sábado 8:30 - 13:00 H
Domingo CERRADO **Todas las reservas realizadas durante el fin de semana se confirmarán el lunes por la mañana.**